IFT provides the complete package you need to prepare for the Level I exam. IFT's program is self-paced and you will study by yourself following IFT study strategy and advice.

Carefully watch the advice video about how to prepare for the Level I exam which you can find here:

How to prepare for the CFA exams

Here is a list of things to do and a Detailed Study Strategy

For full product details, please click on the relevant link below:

Level 1

Also visit the below helpful resources:

1-FAQ: https://ift.freshdesk.com/support/home

2-Sign up for the free trial at: https://ift.world/signup/

3-You can download Study planner which will provide you with details about the video lectures: Study Schedules and Planners

Also visit these free resources:



If you still have unanswered questions, please do contact us!