Q) Does IFT have Live classes?   

Yes. You can visit this link for more details: https://ift.world/live/

Q) How are these live classes held?

Ans) IFT Live interactive sessions are conducted through Zoom meetings.

Q) When are these classes held?

Ans) These classes are on Saturdays and Sundays at 1200GMT for Level I, 1430 GMT for Level II and 1700 GMT for Level III.

Q) Where can I find the schedule for the live classes?

Ans) The tentative class schedule can be found on this link


Q) What is the purpose of these classes?

Ans) The objective of these classes is to make students apply the concepts and theories that they have studies. These class make student practice the key questions that they need to be on top of, apart from this the instructor will also go over important concepts and theories.

Q) How do access the Zoom link for the live class?

Ans) The Zoom links are provided on the IFT learning Portal.

Q) What is the password for the zoom meeting?

Ans) If you click on the Zoom Class link provided (rather than copy-paste), then you will not be asked for a Password.

Please click on the whole zoom link, because the link contains the password code.

However, if you need to copy-paste the link, then please include the entire link

Here is an example of a complete link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81663735406?pwd=RlBuK1MwUWUveXRKV0dwQnQ3emcyUT09

If all fails, then you can locate the password from the link, on the right of the phrase "pwd=". In this example, it would be: RlBuK1MwUWUveXRKV0dwQnQ3emcyUT09

Q) How long is each class session?

Ans) Each session is roughly two hours long.

Q) How many sessions will this course have?

Ans) This course will have 2 two-hour sessions each week and the course will go for 4.5-5 months.

Q) Will these classes be recorded if I miss a class will I get the class recording?

Ans) Yes, all the sessions will be recorded and provided to students. These can be used to review anything that they didn't fully understand in the class to catch up on anything that they missed.

Q) How do I access the class recordings?

Ans) These recordings will be accessible through IFT Learning Portal. Students will be able to watch these recording videos by Tuesday for each week.

Q) How do I access the question bank for Level I classes?

Ans) You can access the Level I IFT solved Question Bank on IFT Learning Portal. Go to https://ift.learnrev.com/ , sign in and go to course "Level I Live Class Resources". Once inside, on the left side of your screen, you will see "Question Bank with Answers".

Q) When will the monthly office hours be scheduled?

Ans) Monthly office hours will be announced by Sir Rafay himself in class.

Q) Can I unmute myself to ask questions in class?

Ans) Yes, you can. The purpose of the live classes is to create an interactive study environment for the students. So, the students are encouraged to unmute themselves to ask questions, but be careful not to leave your mic on unmute as the noise from you mic can disturb the class.

Q) Can I join in if I get late for the class?

Ans) Yes, you can. But it is always a good practice to join in 5 mins before the class starts so that you don't miss out on anything.

Q) My zoom meeting is stuck at "connecting" what should I do?

Ans)  If you face "stuck on connecting" issue firstly try restarting your internet, your operating system and your zoom client. If this does not fix the issue try switching your internet as some Internet Service Providers(ISPs) sometimes face technical issues on particular services like zoom.

Q) Will I get other prep material from IFT if I join the live classes?

Ans) No. The live class is a completely independent product, if you want some other IFT product(e.g. Detailed videos, High-Yield course etc.) you will have to buy them separately. Only the Level I Question Bank is provided free of cost to Level I live class students.

Q) Does IFT offer a demo class before I join?

Ans) Yes. You can request for one demo class to experience the class your self and decide if its the right fit for you or not.

Q) Is there a  WhatsApp group for the class?

Ans) Yes if you're registered for the live class, provide IFT with your details so we can add you.