The IFT mobile app provides ease of use for learning. While it is not our content primary delivery platform (that is the IFT website), improving the mobile app is our ongoing process. 

If you are having issues with the IFT App, please refer to the below trouble-shooting tips:

IssueWhat to do
Only some topics are available        This could be that you have the free version of a course OR it could be that the materials is not yet released.
Contact IFT Support for more help.
When playing videos, the video or audio stops after a few minutes.Please try to uninstall and reinstall the App.
Do I need the internet to register or login?
Can I use the app when I am offline.
Yes this is required. If you want to view content after that (offline), then you should use the download feature to view the materials when you are offline. 
I can view the videos and documents, but I cannot find the video or pdf files on my phone/tablet.These files are encrypted on your phone you will not be able to access them directly. If you need the documents to print them you can do that if you have access to them from the IFT website.
I can not find my activation email (required for registration via email only, not for social logins i.e. FB, Google etc.)You will be sent an activation email with this subject:
<First-name> <lastname>, please activate your account for using the IFT Mobile App
From sender::
Other issuesContact IFT Support Team