To Reset or Synchronize your credentials across all IFT systems, please visit this link:
After you enter your email id there, check your email for the password reset link. This email may take 10 minutes to reach your inbox.

Note: This will only work if you signed up with via EMAIL (not Facebook, Google, Apple accounts)

Log in credentials across IFT systems are now synchronized. This means that the following online systems will share the same log in id and password (or the same social log in).

1- IFT Website -

2- IFT Mobile App - 


Sometimes you may encounter some issues. Try the below to see if it helps in your case.

Note: This will only work if you signed up with via EMAIL (not Facebook or Google social media)

1) Visit and Logout from that website.

2) In the same browser then click on this link: 

3) Then you will see this screen below. Enter your email id and then check that email id for the link to reset your password.

If this does not work then let us know at which step you are having a problem, and send us a picture, please.