The Level III Grading & Feedback Service is available for the Level III mock exams.

These are IFT Mock Exams 1, 2, 3 or CFA Institue Mock Exam

Below are instructions to follow to ensure a smooth and efficient service.

1-Get the IFT Mock Exams or CFA Institute Mock Exam 

(if you have the Premium package these are included)

  • IMPORTANT: It's best that you type the exam answers on your laptop using a PDF editor.
  • << you can download a free PDF editor from here
  • Download the PDF file and follow IFT instructions as shown in the picture below

2-Do the mock exam

  • When you are ready, find a time when you can do the mock in a single sitting. Sit where you will not be disturbed.
  • Write/solve the exam on the pages provided for your answers.
  • Save your PDF regularly to ensure you do not lose your work!
  • Time yourself and do your best to stay in the allotted time.


3-Email IFT your completed exam (i.e. the PDF)

We need to receive your completed exam in a PDF file format.

Please type your name on your exam paper before sending it.

4-Email your exam to IFT

Once you have done the above please email the pdf file as an attachment to

Do mention your full name and the exam name in the text of the email.